I am not a Chinese. Can I own a company in Hong Kong?

Yes. The laws only require that a Company Secretary must be a resident in Hong Kong or a company incorporated in Hong Kong. We provide a Company Secretary to our clients to meet this statutory requirement.

What does a Company Secretary do?

It is required to report details of a company's structure, such as names and addresses of shareholders and directors, shareholdings, address of registered office, etc. to Companies Registry in prescribed forms. Notifications of the changes of these details are to be filed to Companies Registry within a time limit. The Company Secretary is responsible to take care of these. It also needs to file an Annual Return to the Companies Registry annually, prepares and custody minutes of directors and shareholders.

How much Capital should my company have?

The capital can be as low as HK$1. You do not need to register a big capital unless you want to show your suppliers that your company's financial standing is excellent. Of course, HK$1 is not enough to do anything. The amount advanced by you in excess of the capital will be treated as the amount owed to you by your company.

Here are some technical details that you may be interested in knowing:

There are two terms in capital, the authorised capital and the issued capital. The amount of authorised capital is registered when a company is being formed. Based on that amount, a capital duty of 0.1% will be levied. The capital duty is a one-time charge. Usually an authorised capital of HK$10,000 is registered for most shelf companies.

The issued capital is the amount of capital paid by shareholders. The amount can be smaller or equals to the amount of authorised capital. It cannot be bigger than the authorised capital. If the shareholders want to increase the amount of issued capital, the authorised capital must be increased accordingly, and the capital duty of 0.1% will be levied on the increased amount of authorised capital.

Can I set up a company without going to Hong Kong?

Yes. If you are not in Hong Kong, you may select either one of the following methods:

Method 1


You may buy a brand new shelf company. We shall provide you with a list of over 200 shelf companies for your selection. These shelf companies have not done any business before.

Method 2 :

You provide us with a company name. We prepare all the incorporation documents and send for your signature in your country.

Client should note that if it wants to open a bank account in Hong Kong, the banks in Hong Kong normally require the client to go to the banks and sign in front of their staff.

Are there any taxes or duties for the money I remit in and out of Hong Kong?

No. You can remit money in and out of Hong Kong freely without any tax or duty.

How is my company's tax calculated?

Hereunder is an example.



Less: Purchases




Less: Overheads, etc.



Profit before tax


Tax (16.5% of 150,000)



Profit after tax


Less: Dividend



Retained profit



You will note from the above example that your company will pay tax of $24,750 out of the net profit of $150,000. There is no tax on the dividend paid.